Sounds ludicrous, doesn’t it? VHEMT (pronounced vehement) is a movement not an organization. It's a movement advanced by people who care about all life on planet Earth including ours. Voluntary human extinction is the humanitarian alternative to human disasters. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense.

Being a VHEMT volunteer is a state of mind. All you have to do to join is make the choice to refrain from further reproduction.

We are sure that at this point you are probably thinking “There are definitely more of us than there should be but should we become extinct?” This is quite a natural initial reaction. But if we follow a consistent chain of reasoning and common sense guided by a love and respect for all life then this would be the only logical alternative.

Please visit the pages on this forum to have a look at the VHEMT ideology and its relevance in the Indian context. For more details visit the parent website at